Post-doctoral researcher

Lu, Chi-Pang

Affiliated School/Unit

National Cheng-Kung University

Past Experience

Post-doctoral Researcher, NCKU

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Architecture Dept. NCKU

Executive Direator , Five-rivers Development Association, Tainan city.


Chaohsing Huang*, Chipang Lu & Yishan Chen (2018). “Involving Community Volunteers in Recording Deterioration of Buildings After Disaster.” Asian Education Studies 3-3(2018): 27~36

Shih-ming Chen*; Chi-pang Lu; Li-Kuang Chen; Yi-chuang Huang and Yi-Jen Lin (2015). “Study on the Promotion of the Meaningful Happiness of the Elderly with the Spatial and Social Supportive System Constructed by the Community”. 2015 International Conference on Orange Technologies. T. H. K. P. University. Hong Kong.

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