1988年3月 ~ 1995年6月 國立成功大學醫學院附設醫院企劃室技士
2000年8月 ~ 2006年7月 立德管理學院醫務健康照護管理學系助理教授兼代主任
2007年8月 ~ 2010年7月 國立成功大學老年學研究所副教授
2010年8月 ~ 2014年7月 國立成功大學老年學研究所副教授
2014年08月~ 迄今 國立成功大學老年學研究所教授
1.Jia--Jen Chen, Li-Fan Liu* (2022), Approaching the Person-Centered Long-Term Care: The Trajectories of Intrinsic Capacity and Functional Decline in Taiwan. Geriarics and Gerontlology International (SCI, accepted) (IF: 2.73 (2020), ranking Q1 in Gerontology).
2.Li-Fan Liu*,Wei-Ming Wang and Jung-Der Wang (2021). Functional and cognitive impairments increased risks of health care utilization outcomes in patients with stroke receiving home and community-based care in Taiwan. Frontiers in Public Health. doi:10.3389/fpubh.2021.644911. (IF: 3.709 (2020), ranking Q1 in public, environmental & occupational health -SSCI; Q2 in public, environmental & occupational health - SCIE).
3.Chien-Chih Liu, Li-Fan Liu*, Shuang-Shii Chuang (2020). The Effect of Ageist Behaviors on Home Care Workers’ Job Satisfaction and Retention in Long-Term Care. Journal of Applied Gerontology. doi.org/10.1177/0733464820975598 (SCI/SSCI, impact factor: 3.2(2020) ranking Q1 in Gerontology).
4.Lin, C. Y., Wang, J. D., & Li-Fan Liu* (2020). Can we apply WHOQOL-AGE to Asian population? Verifying its factor structure and psychometric properties in a convenience sample from Taiwan. Frontiers in Public Health, 8, 752-760. (IF: 3.709 (2020), ranking Q1 in public, environmental & occupational health -SSCI; Q2 in public, environmental & occupational health – SCIE).
5.Chia-Mei Shih, Yu-Hwa Wang, Li-Fan Liu*, Jung-Hua Wu (2020), Profile of the long-term care recipients receiving the home and community-based services and its factors that influence utilization in Taiwan. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health, 17, 2649; doi:10.3390/ijerph17042649 . (IF: 3.39 (2020), ranking Q1 in public, environmental & occupational health -SSCI; Q2 in public, environmental & occupational health - SCIE)